$20.00 USD

The information in this training and on this site is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, therapy, diagnosis, or treatment, nor does it constitute a therapist-client relationship.

You should not use information in this training to diagnose or treat a serious mental health problem without consulting with a qualified provider. 

Information and suggestions are for educational purposes only and is made available as self-help tools for your own use.

Please seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or another qualified health care provider regarding any questions or concerns about your specific mental health situation.

I am a licensed professional counselor under the Virginia Board of Counseling and can only offer 1:1 therapy sessions to individuals also located in Virginia.

If I feel that you are struggling with a mental health diagnosis and need additional professional support, I would be happy to make referrals to an appropriate clinician in your area.

Maternal Rage

Whether your pregnant, postpartum, or well into the trenches of motherhood, there will inevitably be times when you feel completely overwhelmed...and end up raging. 

When this happens, most moms beat themselves up and wind up on a shame spiral, filled with guilt and regret. 

This talk will unpack some of the factors that contribute to maternal rage and explore new ways to think of and cope with mom rage, so you can trade in the shame spiral for more effective coping methods.